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A coiled black plastic cable carrier sits on a white table, with more sections of cable carriers visible in the background. The table is in an indoor setting with blue flooring visible.

Snap Fits: Enhancing Efficiency and Functionality in Your Designs

Snap fits are one of the best ways to assemble plastic parts without requiring additional components. When parts are designed to be snap-fit together, pushing the parts together will create a reliable connection point without any tooling necessary. However, designing a perfect snap fit is…

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Understanding Back Spot Facing: A Comprehensive Guide

Introduction: In the realm of machining and metalworking, various techniques and processes are used to achieve precise and functional components. One such technique that plays a vital role in achieving accurate and reliable results is back spot facing. If you're curious about what back spot…

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A close-up of a black plastic snap fits buckle, broken into two pieces, against a white background.

Snap Fits: What They Are, How They Work, and How to Use Them

Intro Starting with the right connection method between two parts is always a good idea. You wouldn’t weld two parts that need to be disconnected frequently, so why would you use the right connection style for plastic parts? In this guide, we’ll explain how snap…

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Several types of rivet nuts scattered on a textured metal surface, showcasing their cylindrical shapes and internal threading.

5 Types of Rivets and How They Work

Intro When you can’t use traditional bolts and nuts, you’ll probably have to fall back on rivets. Rivets are a unique way to fasten things together in a semi-permanent fashion. In this guide, you’ll learn about 5 different types of rivets. We’ll explain how they…

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A close-up image of a metal lathe machine in operation, cutting a threaded hole design with precision, surrounded by flying metal shavings and a cool, blue hue.

Threaded Hole Design Guide

Intro Using threaded holes is one of the most reliable ways to keep parts together while allowing them to be removable. While a threaded hole might look simple, there’s a lot going on under the surface that you should know about. In this beginner guide,…

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A CNC machine precision-milling a piece of carbon fiber, with the cutting tool in motion and creating a chamfered surface on the material.

The Difference Between a Fillet and Chamfer

Intro A lot of people have heard the terms “fillet” and “chamfer”, and they might use them interchangeably. The truth is that these features are very different, and they can dramatically change the function of your parts. In this guide, we’ll explain the real difference…

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Engineer's hands holding a mechanical part and a blueprint for designing for manufacturing, surrounded by various engineering drawings and tools on a table.

4 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Designing for Manufacturing

Intro When it comes to designing a part for manufacturing, there’s a lot to consider. It’s something that takes a lot of practice before you can get really good at it. To speed up your path to perfection, our machinist put together this quick guide. …

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Jigs vs Fixtures: What’s the Difference?

Intro We noticed that a lot of people use the terms “jig” and “fixture” interchangeably. These two terms are very different and describe separate parts. In this guide, we’ll explain what a jig is, what a fixture is, and when you might use either option…

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Rapid Axis

How to Design Cutouts Near a Bent Piece

Intro Creating a cutout near a bend on a piece of sheet metal is a big red flag for a design. If a machinist follows the print, you’ll likely receive a part that doesn’t have the rigidity you need in this area. The part can…

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Rapid Axis

How Much Machining Tight Tolerances Will Cost You

Intro Did you know that the tolerances on your drawings could be wasting a ton of money each year? They’re just a few numbers on a drawing sheet, but it could result in you paying 45 times more for each part. The simple fact is…

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